CKD is a progressive condition that causes a cat's kidneys to gradually lose their ability to function over time. It is common in cats, especially as they age, and can be challenging to detect in its early stages.
Top 5 Health Challenges for Senior Pets and How to Address Them
As pets grow older, their health needs evolve, requiring extra care and attention. In a dynamic city like Dubai, where the climate and lifestyle can impact pet health, it’s essential to adapt to these changing needs.
Aggressive or abusive behaviour
Abusive behavior towards animals, members of staff or other clients will NOT be tolerated.
Preparing Your Pets for Your Vacation: A Guide for Pet Owners in Dubai
Traveling can be exciting, but for pet owners, it often comes with the added responsibility of ensuring their pets are well cared for in their absence.
Spotting the Signs of Obesity in Pets: Embrace the Dubai Winter for Healthier, Happier Pets!
Cats are masters of disguise when it comes to pain. They have a natural instinct to hide their weaknesses from predators, so there is an evolutionary advantage to concealing any signs of discomfort.