Commonly known as the African spurred, furrowed, or Sulcata tortoise, Geochelone sulcata originates in the Sahel region of Africa, along the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.
Category: Blog
Basic Guinea Pig Care
Feeding – Guinea Pigs can be quite selective feeders and can become fussy with their food. It is important to offer the right balance in their diet to avoid this and to ensure their overall health.
The 2F4P CHRISTMAS (Hello, 2021) Competition
2020 has been a challenging year for us all. Like so many, as the year draws to a close would like to turn our eyes with positivity & optimism towards brighter days ahead.
Exotic Pets in Dubai: Diesel the Bearded Dragon
When Diesel was 3 months old, he fit into his owner’s palm. Now, 8 years later, he is a whopping...
A Tribute to 3 of our Long-time, Much Loved Clients
It has been a sad week for the families of 3 very special Friends of 2F4P Veterinary Clinic...
5 Steps to a Heatstroke-Free Summer for Pets in the UAE
It’s that time of the year when the scorching summer heat of Dubai is upon us...
Happy Lockdown Birthday, Bertie
Recently, 4-year-old Bertie and his family decided to foster a dog. Everyone fell in love...
Young Pet Owners
We are always very happy when young pet owners join their families & pets to visit us...